Uganda Livestock Identification & Traceability System

Welcome to U-LITS! The Uganda designed electronic e-platform for livestock identification, traceability and management. Secure, efficient, and regulated by MAAF.


The Uganda Livestock Identification & Traceability System (U-LITS) is a state-of-the-art platform designed to enhance the management and traceability of livestock across Uganda. Regulated by the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF), U-LITS offers a comprehensive suite of tools that enable farmers to efficiently register their farms and livestock, monitor critical events, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. By assigning a unique LHC code to each farm, the system ensures nationwide identification and streamlined management, facilitating better control and transparency in the livestock industry.

U-LITS goes beyond basic traceability by incorporating additional farm management features. Farmers can access the Marketplace to order essential supplies, track milk production, log veterinary treatments, manage worker schedules, monitor livestock weight, and maintain visual records. The platform's user-friendly interface is accessible via web, Android, and iOS, making it convenient for farmers to manage their operations from anywhere. By integrating these functionalities, U-LITS aims to revolutionize livestock management, promoting efficiency, safety, and quality throughout the entire livestock supply chain.



1st Register

  • The Livestock Holding Register [LHR] will be generated at the Sub-County [Tertiary] level which, in combination with other related Sub-Counties, will form the District [Secondary] level register, which in turn, with other Districts will form the National [Primary] level register.
  • Each holding [farm/livestock holding facility] will be allocated a unique alphanumeric code, based on the International Standards Office [ISO] coding for Uganda, with the alpha component [Ug] indicating the Country and the numeric components indicating the District, Sub-County and serial holding number
  • In addition to the holding code the LHR will record Holding size, Nearest village, GPS location, Owner name, Owner phone number, Holding type [e.g., Dairy, Ranch, Mixed, Small holding] Number of animals by species [Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Pigs]


2nd Register

  • The Livestock Data Register [LDR] will be generated at Sub- County [Tertiary] level which, in combination with other related Sub- Counties, will form the District [Secondary] level register, which in turn, with other related districts will form the National [Primary] Level Register
  • Each animal will be allocated, by the attached Radio-Frequency Identification [RFID] device, a unique electronic identity [E-ID] The E-ID will be the unique identifier for a given animal in this and other registers such as the events and movement permit registers.
  • The LDR will record date, time, E-ID number, Visible [V-ID] number, location [LH code], breed, sex, year born and date last vaccinated for FMD


3rd Register

• Each sanitary event – [eg, disease, vaccination, treatment, sample taken, test conducted, lab test result, etc] for a given animal is dated and recorded, with its e- id, in the events register.
• The events register will provide updated / real-time sanitary records for a given animal and be the basis of an informed judgement for certification purposes, sanitary control, official reports etc. by the veterinary authority.
• The LER is designed so that any event recorded for a given animal is
automatically posted against that animal’s e-id record giving a horizontal record and timeline of all events to date for that animal.
• It is possible to query the LER to extract the record of events for an animal [selected by its e-id] and extract selected events – such as vaccinations.

4th Register

• Livestock movement will be permitted by the designated District Veterinary
Authority who will issue a paper and e-permit using an on-line platform.
• Persons requiring a Livestock Movement Permit [LMP] will submit an on-line application stating holding code, species, e-id, visible [flag] id [v-id], purpose of movement, trader name, id, mode of transport, vehicle registration number, route, date[s] of intended travel.
• A printable e-permit will be issued with a LMR code with all details replicated in the district LMR copied to the national LMR and the movement registered on the LER.


The Farm Management module in U-LITS offers a comprehensive suite of tools for efficient farm operations. It includes features such as the Marketplace for ordering supplies, milk production tracking, veterinary treatment logs, worker management, weight monitoring, and maintaining visual records. This module streamlines farm management, ensuring optimal productivity and organization.


Facilitate the ordering of essential farm supplies including drugs, cattle tags, and equipment. This sub-module ensures you have quick access to necessary items, supporting the health and productivity of your livestock while streamlining procurement processes.

Milk Production

Efficiently track milk production and sales with comprehensive records. This sub-module helps manage quality control, optimize dairy operations, and analyze production data for better decision-making, ultimately boosting profitability and sustainability.


Keep detailed logs of all veterinary care and medications administered to your livestock. This sub-module ensures accurate health records, helps in managing treatment schedules, and ensures compliance with veterinary guidelines to maintain animal health and welfare.

Weight Monitoring

Monitor and record the growth and weight of your livestock systematically. This sub-module aids in health assessments, optimizes feeding schedules, and ensures that animals meet market readiness criteria, improving overall farm productivity.


Maintain up-to-date visual records of your livestock. This sub-module supports accurate identification, tracks growth and health progress over time, and helps in maintaining comprehensive animal profiles for better management and reporting.

Farm Workers

Manage all aspects of labor on your farm, from staff schedules and duties to payroll. This sub-module helps in organizing work efficiently, tracking labor productivity, and ensuring that all tasks are completed timely, contributing to smooth farm operations.

U-LITS Web-portal

The U-LITS Web Portal streamlines livestock management for Ugandan farmers. Accessible from any internet-connected device, the portal allows easy registration of farms and livestock, assigning each farm a unique LHC code from MAAIF. Users can efficiently log essential livestock events like births, vaccinations, and treatments, ensuring accurate and accessible data management.

In addition to traceability, the portal offers advanced farm management features. Farmers can order supplies through the Marketplace, track milk production, log veterinary treatments, manage worker schedules, and monitor livestock weight. These tools support efficient and compliant farm operations, contributing to the sustainability and growth of Uganda’s livestock sector.

News & Publications


Welcome to our Resources Page - your source for updates, insights, and resources in livestock management and agricultural innovations. Stay informed with the latest articles, announcements, and industry trends that impact your farm operations and the broader agricultural community.



    What is U-LITS?
    U-LITS (Uganda Livestock Traceability & Tracking System) is regulated by MAAIF to manage and trace livestock efficiently across Uganda.

    How do I get started?
    Start by registering your farm and livestock, tracking events, and using tools like the Marketplace for supplies and worker management. Have more questions? Contact us below, and we’ll assist you promptly.


    Phone: +256775679505

    Address: 8J25 Barnabas Rd,
    Kampala, Uganda.

    Do you have questions about U-LITS?
    Send us an email


    Download the U-LITS mobile app on Play Store and App Store.